Hello. I am the most recent Navelist writer on this blog. My comrades, who navelized/were navelized with me, have requested I post here.
Navelism's center is to ensure the full happiness which comes from the full happiness of the bellybutton. Only through this can one be entirely happy and well. This is because the navel is the core of our emotional and physical stability. This is often unrecognized because of its extreme delicacy in terms of uplifting your mood, and because propaganda in today's society makes the bellybutton to be a silly joke rather than a holy point in our bodies.
Playing with your bellybutton, and making it smile, is perfectly fine, in fact, it is suggested that you do so, for it brings out the best in yourself. Talking to your bellybutton, seriously, conversationally, but with a light heart can also increase your insightfulness and day.