Monday, February 16, 2009

the properties of navelism

i would like to apoligize to our lone reader, the valentine guy. we explained the blog, and then we posted the naviel, without explaining any of the properties of navelism. to make up for this, i will explain some now.
-navelism is, in the words of the high preistess, a kind of side-dish to your regular religion. we welcome people of all faiths, and we do not expect you to give up your original religion.
-navelism is the appreciation of the holy sacred bellybutton, and the worship of the great b-n
-navelists appreciate and love their bellybuttons, and make sure that they are happy. they also make sure that everyone else's bellybuttons are happy.


Sunday, February 15, 2009

In the beginning

The Earth And the Bellybuttons
1) In the beginning, there was a bellybutton. It was neither innie nor outie, but perfectly proportioned as a halfie. The Bellybutton created a planet in xer image, and it was good.
2) And xe called the planet Earth, and gave her many children and then pretty much left her to her own devices to take care of them.

3) Of course, all those many children were given a bellybutton, so as to have a worshiping shrine and meditating place with them always, and so as to never forget the glory who made them.
4) But while Punang(the bellybutton Supreme) was gone, the lovely earth that xe had created in xer image was growing forgetful. Earth's children had forgotten their bellybutton's meaning and purpose, and increasingly covering it up or not caring for it. When punang came back,xe was furious. xe pondered upon the proper punishment for xer blasphemous disciples.
5) And so, the great punang decided to release upon the world seven plagues that would haunt it always. And these plagues were: Violence, Disease, Lying, Greed, Hate, Indifference, and Hypocrisy.
6) The thing was, at the time when these plagues were given, there were a lot more humans than anything else. So the human, readily armed with Greed, Hate, and Indifference, decided that they were in charge and could do whatever they wanted to Mother Earth and all her children.
7) punang was and still is naturally a peaceful deity, and that was why xe bestowed only plagues, not material suffering. xe was horrified, then, when xe found xer children where using their plagues for their own advantage! They were hurting the world, so xe came up with a plan to stop them
8) punang called over all mammals, while the humans were too busy wreaking havoc to notice. xe taught them the ways of navelism, and bestowed upon them each a bellybutton, proof thereof and that now and ever after they were xer disciples. Xe told them to go and tell the humans to stop, to bring them to their senses, as the plagues were supposed to do. The animals went off to tell them, but only one would listen, and she became the first bellybutton priestess.
9) And the bellybutton priestess, whose name was Maganda Gabi, educated her friends in the ways of the bellybutton, and they became the Navelist monks.

-maganda gabi and panalakala