Tuesday, December 15, 2009

the navelist's full title.

my full navelist title is as follows:

Pankaalaka-Navelist, disciple of Maganda Gabi the bellybutton preistess, keeper of Pusod Diwata.

Let's break this down.

all holy words of navelism are in tagalog. names are no exception. the way to decide on a navelist name (something which can only be done after a navelism, or holy conversion.) is to find the meaning of your original name, and then translate it into tagalog, the holy language. my name means "god heard", so i translated "god heard" into tagalog and got Pankaalaka.

this always goes after the name in a navelist's full title.

disciple of Maganda Gabi the bellybutton priestess
at present, nearly all navelists are disciples, or followers, of Maganda Gabi. a person would only not be a disciple of Maganda Gabi if they were not a holy person but only a casual follower, or if they followed the teachings of another navelist sage. at present there are no other navelist sages.

keeper of Pusod Diwata.
everyone is the "keeper of" their bellybutton, even non-navelists. all navelists must name their bellybuttons. bellybutton names must start with "Pusod", meaning navel. the next word is a tagalog name. the name i have chosen means goddess.

if there are any questions, please ask them in the comments section.

the four parts principle

the four parts principle is as follows:
torsos have four sections, or bahagis. the bahagis are separated by creases that form from bending down. in order of top to bottom, the four bahagis are:

1. asa, or the chest. this bahagi represents naivety, hopefulness, raw emotion, and love.

2. kaisipan, or the upper-middle bahagi. this section represents creative intellect--the part of us that learns and discovers.

3. matigas, the lower-middle bahagi. this section represents the mundane consciousness, that is to say, the nonspiritual and uncreative self which we use to go through everyday life.

4. banal na, or the belly. this bahagi, of course, represents the spiritual and holy. it is the sacred resting place of the pusod, or bellybutton.


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Padro some more

Padro (the sombie teddy bear) is the navelist's mascot. you heard of him in the post before, and now, (finally!) is his picture.
Maganda Gabi

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Padro's Bellybutton

There is a teddy bear. His name is Padro. He is a zombie teddy bear. And he relates to this blog because he is now an iconic image - he was given a holy bellybutton by the High Priestess herself, and is thus a blessed creature of the 2D world. He was created by the High Priestess and myself, in a collaboration of art. He was originally a C3 on a cardboard box but now he is a living navelist teddy bear.If Maganda Gabi would like to include more about Padro maybe a picture if possible, I invite her too, as well as outside comments.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Bellybutton drumming

If you were looking for ways to spend time with your bellybutton, consider musical entertainment. Bellybuttons, like other holy existences, love music. You could drum your fingers on your bellybutton and listen to the lovely different sounds you make together. Bellybutton smile! Or, you might want to HUM to your lovely bellybutton. (If you are not the rhythmic type). Hum any old tune or happiness, or sadness if needed, so your music can portray emotion for you and your bellybutton to share. Bellybuttons of course already know how you're feeling, but to communicate it is an act of love and attention.
Another thought we would like to share with you, is the worshiping of the bellybutton in media. All around the world and in all sorts of forms of art from poetry to music to pictures, the bellybutton is projected into our lives. For example, there is a one sweet little haiku that we would like to share with you:

A discovery!
On my frog's smooth green belly
there sits no button. 
- Yaku

That is somebody's outlook on someone's sacred bellybutton, or a frog's lack thereof. Now stop for a moment. Isn't that sad? Poor creatures of the earth, left to live life without bellybuttons. Maybe they have offended Punang. So they have no bellybutton. Remember to always be thankful for your bellybutton, and to always be good in your heart and bellybutton. May your bellybutton be happy.

-Maganda Gabi and Makalakalak

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

i did a bad thing

I am here to confess something that i did to my bellybutton in a state of hyperness.
It was wrong.
I am sorry.
I put blue toothpaste in my bellybutton. and i have pictures of the incident on my fone. i feel bad, but my bellybutton did find the incident happy - i know this because it made me laugh. my bellybutton i mean. not the toothpaste inside it.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Help and Healing

As we have said before, many of us have different beliefs and religions as well is this most wonderful cult. But I believe that there are no real sins in navelism, as others might disagree. What I do believe is that often when you have neglected or overused or undervalued your bellybutton, the core of yourself, you life may take a downturn, emotionally or physically, since and undernourished or underdeveloped bellybutton has no self-worth and cannot sustain happiness. If you have any problems in daily life, aches or pains, feel free to comment and one of our priests would be happy to help you. we prefer to keep these conversations public, so there will be remedies and cures for others like you.
thank you, and may punang bless you.
-Maganda Gabi

Friday, April 10, 2009


so, how do you worship as a navelist? well, actually its very simple. all you have to do is tell your bellybutton you love him/her and tickle him/her. thats it. depending on the bellybutton, you may have to do more extensive tickling. the idea is that your bellybutton is happy. if your bellybutton is happy, you're ok by us.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Happiness Through Navels

Hello. I am the most recent Navelist writer on this blog. My comrades, who navelized/were navelized with me, have requested I post here.

Navelism's center is to ensure the full happiness which comes from the full happiness of the bellybutton. Only through this can one be entirely happy and well. This is because the navel is the core of our emotional and physical stability. This is often unrecognized because of its extreme delicacy in terms of uplifting your mood, and because propaganda in today's society makes the bellybutton to be a silly joke rather than a holy point in our bodies.
Playing with your bellybutton, and making it smile, is perfectly fine, in fact, it is suggested that you do so, for it brings out the best in yourself. Talking to your bellybutton, seriously, conversationally, but with a light heart can also increase your insightfulness and day. 


Monday, February 16, 2009

the properties of navelism

i would like to apoligize to our lone reader, the valentine guy. we explained the blog, and then we posted the naviel, without explaining any of the properties of navelism. to make up for this, i will explain some now.
-navelism is, in the words of the high preistess, a kind of side-dish to your regular religion. we welcome people of all faiths, and we do not expect you to give up your original religion.
-navelism is the appreciation of the holy sacred bellybutton, and the worship of the great b-n
-navelists appreciate and love their bellybuttons, and make sure that they are happy. they also make sure that everyone else's bellybuttons are happy.


Sunday, February 15, 2009

In the beginning

The Earth And the Bellybuttons
1) In the beginning, there was a bellybutton. It was neither innie nor outie, but perfectly proportioned as a halfie. The Bellybutton created a planet in xer image, and it was good.
2) And xe called the planet Earth, and gave her many children and then pretty much left her to her own devices to take care of them.

3) Of course, all those many children were given a bellybutton, so as to have a worshiping shrine and meditating place with them always, and so as to never forget the glory who made them.
4) But while Punang(the bellybutton Supreme) was gone, the lovely earth that xe had created in xer image was growing forgetful. Earth's children had forgotten their bellybutton's meaning and purpose, and increasingly covering it up or not caring for it. When punang came back,xe was furious. xe pondered upon the proper punishment for xer blasphemous disciples.
5) And so, the great punang decided to release upon the world seven plagues that would haunt it always. And these plagues were: Violence, Disease, Lying, Greed, Hate, Indifference, and Hypocrisy.
6) The thing was, at the time when these plagues were given, there were a lot more humans than anything else. So the human, readily armed with Greed, Hate, and Indifference, decided that they were in charge and could do whatever they wanted to Mother Earth and all her children.
7) punang was and still is naturally a peaceful deity, and that was why xe bestowed only plagues, not material suffering. xe was horrified, then, when xe found xer children where using their plagues for their own advantage! They were hurting the world, so xe came up with a plan to stop them
8) punang called over all mammals, while the humans were too busy wreaking havoc to notice. xe taught them the ways of navelism, and bestowed upon them each a bellybutton, proof thereof and that now and ever after they were xer disciples. Xe told them to go and tell the humans to stop, to bring them to their senses, as the plagues were supposed to do. The animals went off to tell them, but only one would listen, and she became the first bellybutton priestess.
9) And the bellybutton priestess, whose name was Maganda Gabi, educated her friends in the ways of the bellybutton, and they became the Navelist monks.

-maganda gabi and panalakala

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Bellybutton Blog

this a blog about Navelism. this is a holy thing, not a farce. Navelism is worship of the b-n, and appreciation of all Bellybuttons in general. This blog will be a guide to Navelism. It will iclude all things holy and bellybuttony. Welcome to the family.