Tuesday, December 15, 2009

the navelist's full title.

my full navelist title is as follows:

Pankaalaka-Navelist, disciple of Maganda Gabi the bellybutton preistess, keeper of Pusod Diwata.

Let's break this down.

all holy words of navelism are in tagalog. names are no exception. the way to decide on a navelist name (something which can only be done after a navelism, or holy conversion.) is to find the meaning of your original name, and then translate it into tagalog, the holy language. my name means "god heard", so i translated "god heard" into tagalog and got Pankaalaka.

this always goes after the name in a navelist's full title.

disciple of Maganda Gabi the bellybutton priestess
at present, nearly all navelists are disciples, or followers, of Maganda Gabi. a person would only not be a disciple of Maganda Gabi if they were not a holy person but only a casual follower, or if they followed the teachings of another navelist sage. at present there are no other navelist sages.

keeper of Pusod Diwata.
everyone is the "keeper of" their bellybutton, even non-navelists. all navelists must name their bellybuttons. bellybutton names must start with "Pusod", meaning navel. the next word is a tagalog name. the name i have chosen means goddess.

if there are any questions, please ask them in the comments section.

1 comment:

  1. And I, comrades, am Maganda Gabi, High Chief Bellybutton Priestess and Leader of the Navelists. That is my full title, though were you to be close to me, you would also know I am the keeper of Pusod Umuspalab.
    I have a longer title, as the more important you are, teh longer your title is.
